Lifesighs Daily Thought Weekend Edition


Friday through Sunday: July 26, 27 & 28, 2024

(Picture a sticky note from God on a Bible.)
“Behold, I make all things new
Revelation 21:5
“…new every morning…
Lamentations 3:23
Way back in the way back, somewhere around 1969 or so, I walked a couple of miles with my children, my daughter about four and my son about one, sitting in our heavy chrome stroller as was the style of the day.  We walked to the North Park Bible Book Store where I bought myself a brand new, small black leather Bible. I was thrilled. I had never had one of my own, being a brand new follower of our dear Jesus. I also bought my kids some little Bible Store trinkets, gathered up our bags and we headed back on our way home. Once there, after dinner and bath time and bedtime, I began oh so happily, to read.
“In the beginning God…” 
And how I loved reading it!  Which I did whenever I had the chance.  In fact, after only a few days of owning my very own Bible, my husband and I had the opportunity to get a baby sitter and go to a San Diego Padres game.  So I brought it with me—much to my “seat mate’s “ chagrin—and sat there with the happy noise of the ball game, a large soda, some peanuts and the happy words in my new leather treasure.
A 50 something year old woman sitting nearby saw me, then a 22 year old woman, reading my bible and made a kind remark but added that she, too, had once found it thrilling to read but that the joy in doing so had faded.. “Just as it will for you, I’m sure...”
This morning, about 55 years later,  I walked into my office and grabbed my Bible.  It is not in the best shape, to be sure, but to this day, something about it always feels new.  Just holding it makes me glad, and the joy in reading it has never faded…
Happy weekend, one and all.
Chris at Ligesighs


© Chris Shea, 2024
If God Used Sticky Notes®

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